Brethren, as an Order, Secret Monitor declares, quite properly, that we are the true friendly Order, indeed the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan is based upon friendship, that between David, the Father of Solomon and Jonathan, the Son of Saul.
We are also the caring Order, each Conclave having the Craft equivalent of four Almoners in our Visiting Deacons.
I trust you will all remain men of valour and faithful to the cause and that, with the prospect for many of our Brothers, of isolation for anything up to four months, those visiting deacons will ensure the health and safety of all their charges.
Brethren, extend this caring to those who have yet to find our Order, and explain your concern and support for them, as being part of the ethos of our Order.
Ensure those who are isolated can obtain supplies, this might mean undertaking internet shops for those without the necessary I.T. savvy.
Please make sure all your Conclave members remain safe and well during the coming difficult period, and continue planning to ensure your Conclave can speedily resume once this crisis is ended.
I wish you all peace and health.
In the Friendship of the Order
David Littlewood PGSR